Thursday, October 01, 2009

CCTV online for learning about China and Chinese

China TV (CCTV)'s on-line web side has a continuing supply of short videos on the language and culture of China.

One example today was this young lady who exchanged money and taught us the few words we needed to do that (exchange money, here's my passport, sign here.).

To me, there is tremendous power in a video of a real person actually carrying out a real transaction in a real setting in China. It's easy to see the value of those phrases, and to believe that, on a good day, those few phrases will be all you need to accomplish this task of exchanging money.

It makes the whole concept of going to China seem more feasible and realistic. It says "Hey! I could do THAT!"

(This video is here, although I'm not sure how long that link will be valid.)

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