Saturday, October 27, 2007

When you come back to me again

Raining down, against the wind
I'm reaching out 'til we reach the circle's end
When you come back to me again
And again I see my yesterday's in front of me
Unfolding like a mystery
You're changing all that is and used to be.
Garth Brooks
"When you come back to me"
from the movie Frequency
(Dennis Quaid, fighting fires across 3 generations)

Comment: one of the properties of closed loops is that the past, present, and future become entwined with each other.

All three become so aware of each other and so responsive that they start moving as one.

Because there is so much stored energy, these systems can change almost instantly, as one small event or piece of information suddenly transforms and changes everything that went "before" into something entirely different and "closes the loop."

It's like the way the energy on a guitar string all goes into a higher harmonic if you just touch it at the right spot and produce a "grace note".

The truth is, our intuition about this is truly terrible. The most important lesson is not just that it can happen, but that there is always the possibility of spectacular success just in the darkest hour when it appears all has been lost.

Like the M.C. Escher staircases, we go full-loop and discover we came out above, instead of below, where we started. Like our own body's muscles -- we have to "use them up" to wake up the next day and find they came back stronger than before.

A lot of life is like that.

The future is not what it used to be.
And by changing our future, we can change the meaning of our past, which changes our future even more.

The end of our exploring (T. S. Eliot)
T.S. Eliot, in the Four Quartets , said

We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

(credits: carousel by somerslea , Image of our neighbor in space, M31 (the Andromeda Galaxy) from Wikipedia. )

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