Sunday, October 28, 2007

Feeling the power of the Lord

There is an external supply of organizational power and coping "energy" available to us, every day, that is way more than we come into the day with. I think too many people today are trying to drive on their starter engines, and running down their batteries, aside from not having much power for hills.

A standard "gasoline powered" car has two entirely different engine systems. One uses gasoline to store energy and has pistons and spark-plugs and can produce more power than 100 horses, sometimes much more. It can move the car 400 miles or more, and then needs to be "refilled" (at $3 a gallon).

The other engine system uses a "battery" to store energy, has a small electric motor, and can produce enough power to "turn over" the big engine and power the spark plugs and run the fuel pump long enough that the BIG engine "starts", at least on warm days when we didn't leave the interior lights on all night.

Then, a side job of the big engine, as it is running, is to recharge the small engine's battery for "next time."

Even jet planes that can cross the ocean generally use some guy with a small engine to come up and plug in to start up their huge turbine engines, that you can hear revving up to speed on electricity and then finally "catching" with a roar as the jet fuel takes over the job.

It actually is possible, at least on a car with manual transmission, to "drive on the starter engine", although it is really hard on that engine. If you're stuck on the railroad tracks in such a car, and you have time, you could put the car in first gear and just turn the key and the starter engine would move the car 30 feet or so before it would run out of power. Don't try it because it will probably require you get a new starter engine, and getting out of the car and running is usually faster and much safer, although it requires getting a new car.

Here's the problem, though. As a metaphor, today, people seem to have forgotten that there is a BIG engine in their cars, and everyone is trying to "drive on the starter engine" all day. Science, unhelpfully, teaches that you don't need a BIG engine to explain why a car can move. (It doesn't address whether such motion explains everything in society, and kind of punts on that question for now, until there is way more computing power)
But, we do see people running out of energy half way through their day. Call it "depression" or "Yuppie flu" or "chronic fatigue syndrome", and "treat" it with ever larger amounts of prescription drugs and caffeine, but it seems to be getting worse, nationally, at an alarming rate. It takes more an more people to "run" an organization, or nation, which produces less and less, even if it runs the people to exhaustion and discards them and gets a constant stream of new people as a business model.

That's what you get if you drive on the starter engine, or try to run you life on your own brain and body and mind. Some motion, then it runs out, and it's really hard on the car.

The alternative is captured in the slogan to the orphanage Boys Town, namely,
He's not heavy father, he's my brother!
There is an alternative power supply here, provided free, fully wireless, available to anyone who subscribes to it. There is a BIG engine you can tap into. That engine does not get tired before the end of the day. Even listening to the song of the same name boosts your energy.

The metaphysical religion model says, in my words, that the purpose of our own energy and free will is to be good starter engines, and every day get ourselves realigned with God and "plug into" the power of God's love to motivate, guide, and empower our actions all day.

The result, if done correctly, is to end up the day tired in some ways, but flush with overflowing success and filled with more energy than at the start of the day.

We're leaves of the tree, and our energy needs to be used to twist and turn ourselves in prayer until we capture the external sunlight fully, which will cause things to happen, energy to appear as if it came "out of the light", recharging us and powering the tree, as well as the flow systems the tree has to make us bigger and healthier and stronger.

If we notice we are running low on energy, the wrong thing to do is to curl into a tight roll and try to "conserve" what we have. That will never work.

Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary.
(NAS Bible, Isaiah 40:31).
The tragedy of our day is that science is so busy trying to prove that God doesn't exist that it has few resources left over that can be turned to looking at why some people manage to get plugged into this power source and spend their days inspired, and how the rest of us can tap into that.

I think their problem is that they are looking for "the power within" and, well, it's not inside the box, it's outside the box. And, it's not there all the time, but requires a rather nuanced alignment and entrainment action on the part of our "receiver" so we pick up the energy beam and respond to it in a phase-lock loop. It's kind of like the submarine communication systems that starts with a low-power broad beam laser looking for a satellite, and when it finds it suddenly focuses the laser on an intense pulse mode exactly at the target so none is lose to the sides.

If you take it into the lab, there is no wire, no loop, no energy being transferred, nothing to see here. The problem is the "taking it into the lab" step. But if you go out and look at some people in action, inspired by the Spirit, you can only gasp in awe.

What we need help with is the alignment step, this "prayer" thing and "submission" thing doesn't always work very well, and we "fall off" the wagon.

I replaced the starter engine of my car today
Uploaded by Michiel2005 on Flickr.
Small Block (Engine) Originally uploaded by Lost America
Battery by by Planet Tyler
Jumpstart by by Old Shoe Woman
Worn out by by Avid Maxfan
Leaves by Shakespearesmonkey
Friendly Friday (bird) Uploaded by Ollie_girl
Little help from my friends uploaded by frankie.farkle

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