Thursday, October 14, 2010

Brainflowing - interesting looking seminar for ITSE in Second Life today

(image is from artist Alex Gray,  at  who has some truly AMAZING images along the ideas of cosmic consciousness and shared human existence. )

Thursday, October 14, 2010
Brainstorming with Brainflowing at ISTE (strengths of Second Life and current alternatives to this Virtual Environment)

Copied From here

Thursday, October 14, 2010, 6-7 PM SLT (that's 9PM EST)
ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) Educators Social Events at Second Life

Facilitator: gloriadiago Galicia & Draceina Pinion
Location: ISTE Island Campfires

Gloria Gómez-Diago (gloriagdiagoGalicia SL) and Akemi Mochizuki (Draceina Pinion SL) will introduce Brainflowing, a device for brainstorming in Second Life, and for transferring the outcomes generated to other contexts. After explaining how the tool works, two brainstorming will be held with all the participants. First we will be focused on identifying tasks which can be undertaken in this Virtual World for achieving objectives involved in a teaching/ learning process. Then, taking in mind the removal of the educational/non-profit discount in Second Life_ issue considered worthy of attention_ we will brainstorm about the current alternatives to this Virtual Environment. Therefore, by sharing experiences about the use of other platforms, we will to seek their salient advantages and failures.
Brainflowing has a symbolic price of 1000 linden Dollars, which are equivalent to $3.64, £2.34 or €2.76, and it is available in Dracy´s Virtual Shop.
Posted by gloriagdiago at Thursday, October 14, 2010
Labels: brainflowing, brainstorming, events


Wade said...

After some efforts, I located "Dracy's Virtual Shop", which doesn't seem to be findable in Search or in the Marketplace.

It's located here in Second Life:

Zerelia 210, 110,73

gloriagdiago said...

Was a pleasure to brainstorm with you and all the participants. Many thanks for the outcomes.