Saturday, October 30, 2010

Domestic violence rises in Christchurch after earthquake

The level of domestic abuse and violence is reported to have risen substantially (50%) in Christchurch after the earthquake in September.

According to the New Zealand Herald,

Burglaries in quake-ravaged Christchurch are actually down but family violence offences have soared more than 50 per cent, say police.

Provisional data showed that burglaries have decreased by 11 per cent in comparison with the same time last year. ..

However, it was also a time of significant stress on families for a number of reasons, he said.
Provisional statistics show there has been an increase of 53 per cent in family violence offences since Saturday morning in those areas affected by the earthquake.
"We know from experience that times of stress do correlate with an increase in family violence incidents and this has occurred.
"It is a time to show tolerance and patience and realise when you are under stress and may need to take affirmative action to prevent the stress escalating into violence to those closest to you."
Police urged people suffering from stress to talk to family or friends or seek advice and assistance from agencies that can help such as Women's Refuge.

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