Saturday, May 12, 2007

Baha'i views

The weblog Baha'i Views offers "Pithy excerpts & mentions of Baha'i in the blogosphere" and looks like a nice daily "clipping service" for who's doing what where. It has nice pictures and short postings by different people of their very individual thoughts and experiences.

It's at and I added it to my permanent links list.

Here's a few sample topics on there today:

On Speaking of Religion: Being open-minded and contemplative

On Resisting Divisive Influences: God Unites, Man Divides

On Harmfully Divisive Influences to Humanity's Unity: Unlearning the the prideful nationalistic feelings that drive us apart

On Another Way to Participate in the "Cultivating the Roots" Conference: Audio Streaming and Blogging from the Event

On Wealth and Poverty: Thought-Provoking Reflections

On Baha'i Devotionals: One Buddhist quote was meant for me


1 comment:

GWD said...

Thank you,Wade, for your post and link.