Monday, April 23, 2007

capstone slide 23

37 signals has marvelous products that have received extraordinarily good reviews for being amazingly easy to use. (disclosure: I have no financial association with 37signals - I just love their philosophy and product design!)

You can see the site here

Or, if you are at the live presentation, I'll give you a link to my own BaseCamp site and you can check it out directly and play around with it.

From that site, comments I agree with entirely:

94% recommended
In a recent random customer satisfaction survey, 94% of Basecamp
and 96% of Backpack customers surveyed said they would recommend
the products to their friends, family, and colleagues. Thanks!
The buzz
We’re fortunate to have the press saying nice things about us. Basecamp received a BusinessWeek Best of the Web award in 2005 and 2006. A PC World review called Backpack “Tremendous.” [see the blue box] Time Magazine named us one of the Net's rising stars.

Business Week is quoted in the BaseCamp specific page as follows:

“Basecamp is so simple you can't do anything wrong. It's addictively easy-to-use.”

-Robert Hof, BusinessWeek

And - a simpler user version of all the products is zero cost, free. And, even if you want to upgrade because you're hooked, there is no set-up cost, it's billed month-to-month, and there's no termination cost. That's about as good as it gets.

I wrote an entire paper on how 37signals tools would be useful for Disaster Preparedness, that I may put on-line soon.

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