Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Ask City - urban mapping tool

O'Reilly Radar describes a new geosearch and mapping tool "Ask City". As O'Reilly describes it,

Mapping Tools: The most striking to me is the toolbar beneath the map. The toolbar very simply and effectively lets you mark the map (with lines, polygons, text and a number of other standard drawing tools) and then "take a snapshot of current map". It also lets you browse previously saved versions visually. These instances can be shared....

Panes: There are 3 panes in Ask City. The search pane (left) allows you to search for events, movies, business, and maps/directions.

Data: The data that have acquired and merged is perhaps the most impressive.

Ask has also added neighborhood data to help contextualize their search results.

Adding all of this to their already excellent multi-point directions, Ask has definitely made a compelling offering. Local search is still a big area that has yet to be won and we can expect to see more advances in time at Where 2.0.

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