Saturday, September 26, 2009

The old man and the apple

Once there was an old man in a village who lived alone. One day there was a storm and a big tree fell and blocked the gate to his garden. He only had enough food left for a week, if he couldn't get to his garden. He thought about what to do, and got his small savings out of a can and went to a gymnasium.

"Can you make me strong in a week?" He asked? "I can pay my life savings!" They just laughed at him and said "No. Go away old man." He was very sad. If he couldn't eat he would surely die. All he had left was one apple, in his pocket.

As he walked home, and pulled out the apple, he passed an old monk who was begging. He told the monk about the tree and the gym.

"Oh, I can move the tree for you!" said the old monk, if you let me have that apple. The old man just laughed but thought that he only had one day left to live, so what difference did it make?! He gave the apple to the monk.

"Can you help me get up?" asked the monk. "Of course!" said the man, now laughing out loud at this frail man who thought he was going to move the heavy tree.

As they walked back through the village, the monk greeted everyone they met. He asked each one if they wanted to come learn how to move a heavy tree with an apple. More and more people joined the crowd, each wanting to see this.

Finally the large crowd arrived at the old man's garden, and saw the large tree. The monk blessed the apple, and told everyone it now had special powers. He asked to borrow a knife, and carefully sliced the apple into many small slices. He offered each person a tiny slice of the apple.

Then went over to the fallen tree and started trying to lift it, but it did not budge. Then he asked politely if people could come help him lift, now that they shared the magic apple's power. Everyone joined in and lifted the tree easily and moved it out of the way.

"And that is how you lift a tree with an apple!" said the monk. "There are no obstacles you cannot move, if you just learn the lesson of the apple and tree!"

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