Sunday, October 12, 2008

In passing

Why do people interpret criticism as unpatriotic?

I got the same thing as a project manager, when I said "These are the major obstacles we'll need to address to succeed" and others said "Why do you hate this project? Why are you trying to kill it?"

Apparently to them, things are either perfect or perfectly wrong, so identifying an issue is seen as hateful not loving.

Is this the way your raise your children? Why do you hate them? Should our teachers give students A's when their work is shoddy? Should our doctors tell us we're fine when something is seriously wrong? Should we take a car back from a mechanic that still doesn't work and pay, lest we damage the mechanic's fragile sense of self worth?

We've seen where a world with no discipline goes, and it is not the promised land.

"Tough love" is a nuanced concept these days, apparently. Let's all pretend we're perfect is the theme, as we get further and further behind because we perfect our skill at pretending instead of our coping skills.

We never fix what's wrong because we keep on pretending nothing is wrong, and we "shoot the messengers" who keep trying to tell us something is seriously wrong. Until we pass "denial" there will be no recovery.

By most measures, the USA today has just about the worst population health of any industrialized nation, and we keep saying it's tops. Our students have the highest opinions of themselves, despite the fact that they score at the bottom, globally, and that the fantasy will not translate into jobs for them. They are preparing to be arrogant and useless.

How is this helpful or loving?

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