Friday, August 31, 2007

You can say that again!

Here's an index to some of my favorite , easy to read, and more uplifting posts , repeated from Feb 28,2007 - originally posted as "Happy Ayyam-i-Ha!" Happy new term beginning, all you students! I'm only taking one continuing-ed course this coming term - Foundations of Systems Dynamics at Worcester Polytechnic Institute's Department of Social Science and Policy Studies. You'll hear all about it.

What is Ayyam-i-Ha?
"Baha'is celebrate the festival of Ayyam-i-Ha each year from sunset on Feb. 25 to sunset of March 1 as a preparation for the Fast, which begins March 2 and ends March 20. During Ayyam-i-Ha, members of the Faith perform acts of charity, give gifts to friends and family, and attend social gatherings."
(from )
My gifts to my readers:

Here's a shortcut to the most uplifting, positive posts from this weblog to start your new year right! Let me know if I missed one of your favorites!

The Importance of Social Relationships (short)

1) For a human to sustain peak performance, it is not enough to engage the brain; we have to engage the heart.
Positive Deviance - (the new business model)
What I find refreshing and inspirational is that actual companies and business schools are even starting to think about humans in positive way
Virtue drives the bottom line (many references)

Religion, business, and science are often depicted as in conflict, so it catches the attention when all three of them agree on something. That something needs to be investigated.

Pathways to Peace ( Link to a beautiful multimedia show on virtues)
a beautiful musical slide show of virtues, quotes and Nature to inspire hope and action. Produced for the Pathways to Peace Project
Houston, we have a problem! (On the need for teamwork and consultation)
An "Interdisciplinary" team is a very different animal. It assumes that the problem is irreducibly large, and cannot be broken down into a set of somethings that one person can manage.
Importance of Social Relationships (with references)
A story is told of two stone-masons working on a huge church in Europe, one with great work and one with sloppy work that needed to be torn down and redone. When asked what they were doing, the poor one said: "I'm building a wall." The other said: "I'm building a cathedral." The spiritual issue matters so much it hurts, in ways science doesn't begin to grasp at the moment.
You can say that again! (On the importance of saying positive things twice)

The end of our exploring (T. S. Eliot)
T.S. Eliot, in the Four Quartets , said
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.

Baha'i US Center

Baha'i World Center

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