Sunday, June 24, 2007

Soft-drinks with fructose or glucose? New research

Well, I also took an intensive course in what's known about the epidemiology of diabetes and obesity last week. So the following in today's paper definitely caught my eye:

Fructose-Sweetened Drinks Tougher on Arteries
Washington Post
Saturday, June 23, 2007; 12:00 AM

SATURDAY, June 23 (HealthDay News) -- The type of sugar in a sugary drink may impact how healthy -- or unhealthy -- it is for arteries, a new study suggests.

Fructose-sweetened drinks are more likely to provoke the development of fatty artery deposits in overweight adults than glucose-sweetened beverages, researchers say.

Kimber Stanhope, of the University of California at Davis, and colleagues compared the results of drinking fructose-sweetened beverages versus glucose for 10 weeks in overweight and obese adults....

The findings were scheduled to be presented Saturday at the annual meeting of the American Diabetes Association, in Chicago.

The bottom line, according to the researchers: "Persons at risk for developing metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease should avoid over-consumption of fructose-containing beverages."

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